Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Matt Tyson's Punch Out

Matt's off to a great start, giving the water a hard left jab

He throws in kickboxing, with a right knee to the undertow!

But what's this?!! The water lands a crippling splash to Matt's face!

Matt is disoriented. Will he recover?

Matt continues to stumble. Will this be it for this year's champion?

Matt searches for his balance, but will he find it?

He desperately wipes off his face before the water can land another crushing blow.

Like a blind man, Matt stumbles as the water dances around his disoriented body.

Matt squints and looks away in anguish. Folks, I do believe this is the end for our champion...

But wait, what's this?!!! Matt regains his balance and pushes out of the water. Is our champion getting back up?

And he did it!!!! He is up on both feet again! Matt has once again showed his resilience in the ring and his true love for the sport.

And Matt scoffs at the water as he stands on another victory!!!

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