Monday, June 27, 2011

Inspector Gadget Pimp Villain

So I took the GRE today. Apparently I do not have verbal skills, which might account for all this confusion I create on the blog. But regardless, I refuse to learn those crazy words, and I'm not taking that test again. So you can forget about my verbal skills getting any better! So it's been a good two or so weeks since we've even mentioned pimps or hoes on this blog, which is an abnormally long time for Bolts of Thunder. Just as way of a reminder, Bolts of Thunder strongly looks down upon pimping and hoeing; we are fierce supporters of getting your love and money the good old fashioned way. Seriously. Men, treat your women right. Women, have some respect for yourselves. So when we were in Nice, we had a good old fashioned stake out on the balcony of our hotel with a camera and a telephoto lens. Who knows what kind of fun you might have, but being in Nice, you're bound to see something. As it turned out, our hotel was situated in the middle of some kind of pimp/prostitute crime center with pimps and hoes up and about at all hours of the night. The pimp must have owned a little pizza place across the street from us. Those are the best pictures we could get of him. He was like the villain on "Inspector Gadget," he never showed his face... Matt wanted me to point out that he was wearing a full Adidas track suit with stripes up and down the side. So we turned off all the lights in the hotel and sat on the balcony, snapping off shots of dudes talking to the women, and the women getting into their cars. I realized later that we have the license plate number of one of the perverts that pulled up. After seeing "Taken," I quite naturally assume that he's one of the leading members of French parliament or something. Does France even have a parliament, or am I making that up? I don't know. But either way, Kwi-Gon is going to find him and kill him... Anyway, it was really sad seeing these girls down on the street like this, so this is Bolts of Thunder's weekly call out to all men to be gallant and love the women around you. And if you can't do that, then get off this blog...

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