Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I would like to extend a warm welcome to Bolts of Thunder's two newest followers: Tyson Cantrell and Chris Rees! Both are long time associates of the Thunder Bolting system, and we're happy to have both on board. Can 9857 is Tyson, in case you're wondering, Can has always been our nickname for him. We have a whole bunch of nicknames for him: the 2-Can, the who Can? The Can-D-man Can. I've got millions of em, I could go on for days. She's like a doorknob, everyone gets a turn. See what I'm talking about? Yeah, days of em. I've been saving them up since first grade... So here are two pictures of our man Chris showing us a little love for his metal-coated ledges. He loves them and would do anything to ride them day in and day out. I would now like to respond to a recent comment on our blog. One from my brother Brian. Whitny, I read your comment too, but I have no comment back. We'll just see what kind of trouble I can get in posting inappropriate details of our marriage on the blog. We'll just see... Brian, I, too, am way excited for the video. Thanks for the comment, it's encouraging for us.I don't want to give away too much about the video or anything, I want you to be excited to see it at the premier. If you're reading this now, I assume you will be at the premier. Details on time and location to come, but keep the evening of August 12 clear on your calendar. But I will say this much: Several people have asked me if the next video will be as good as the first. When they say that, I don't think they're talking about our ground-breaking grass riding and tricks we're doing. Most local videos will have more tech skating than what we put out. But what I get from it is just the overall homieness feel of the video. Yes, homieness is a word, it even passes my computer's spell check, and it's in the dictionary. Look it up. Homieness is an all encompassing word to describe having fun with your homies and making something fun. It can be anything. I feel like most people recognized from our first video that this really is all about the fun of it for us, and we have a lot of fun doing it. I appreciate Brandon Miller's comments in his interview that Bolts of Thunder pumps him up to skate more than watching most other skating because he sees the fun of it. That's what I think people are talking about when they ask me if the next video will be as good as the first: Will the video have at least the same level of homieness, or are you selling your soul to the corporate man?

New paragraph. That's the question they're asking. I think. In my purely honest answer to all of you, I will say that we have at least attained the same level of homieness in our second  video. If you enjoyed Nick's dramatic expressions, Dave's daring maneuvers, my whatever I do, Matt's flashing pictures, and Dan's shirtless poetry, then yes, you will like our next video. It's like a second child, it doesn't make you love the first less, you just have a new love for the second. But this time, we have all the original riders and more coming your way. Like I said, I don't want to give away too much, I want you to be excited for the premier, but I'll tell you that me and Matt have remained focused on the fun of it all, and I think you'll see that in the video. Nuf said! I'm getting goosebumps just thinking of the premier, it's going to be fun...

1 comment:

  1. I like the paragraph. Could you use more?
