Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Bolts of Thunder!!!!!!!

That's right, today the Bolts of Thunder blog turned the ripe age of 1 year! A year ago today we wrote our first couple of posts on this blog. A day to remember... Look it up if you don't believe me, you'll find some good stuff. Gold, Jerry, gold! Bolts of Thunder itself is actually a couple years older than that, but the blog is a year old. On our birthday, I thought I'd spoil ourselves a little and put up a picture of us flexing some muscle and reinstating our authority. Literally. I guess I needed to after Sunday's It: The Boogedy Man post. You all lost respect for me... Matt and I have worked hard this past year to make your lives more enjoyable, and we hope you enjoy what Bolts of Thunder has put out. Because put out, we have. Then that's Dan in the background, flexing some muscle as well, just for good cause. That mostly naked woman, that's Shereen, and she does not write any of our posts. But she does ride a skateboard and support Garrett, and she's really cool, so we thought we'd give her some recognition too.

Anyway, we'd like to now leave you some silent time of reflection where you can think of all the amazing ways Bolts of Thunder has changed your life over the past year. Feel free to comment... I for one, have had a project to work on which keeps me out of trouble and my head on straight, so I've appreciated it. And it's just good old fashioned fun...


  1. I caught that seinfeld reference (its kenny bania)you think just cause I have glasses you can sneak these references by me but no sir you can not dont even try thats all.

  2. I use to respect you because you told me you had never even read a blog. And then you sent me the link to this blog: genius. My life changed forever. I respected you so much more. So I married you.
    Some of my personal favorites of the year: Dan and that one girl on the train in Europe, Dave as a model, Ginger's play, the interviews, and the home made toilet paper underwear story (when I read that story, I'd be lying if I said that the thought, "wow... I married this kid..." didn't cross my mind...) Good job Jon. I love Bolts of Thunder.

  3. Yeah, I used to respect you to. Until you both became a couple of washed up had beens who, ok, made a mediocre video in it with a bunch of posers. What happened when BOT had vision? What happened when being a thundie included a mandatory age limit of "older" and post pubic body hair. What happened when all matt could do was ride down grass hills on his butt? Now your both out working on your flat ground game.
    What have I gained? Lost is more like it.
