Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dave is head on

Some would call it laziness. No, most would call it laziness. I called it a science experiment of sorts. I wanted to see what would happen to a pumpkin that was exposed to the elements and harsh conditions for several months. So there it sat, in front of my door step, for over two months. All other pumpkins in the neighborhood had been properly disposed of or smashed a long time ago, but ours, hidden behind our car from the view of the public, stayed safe. And there it lie, waiting, waiting for the day of its deliverance to come. That deliverance came in the form of my foot a couple days ago, poking a hole into the side of it. Poisonous gasses escaped from it as the pumpkin slowly imploded on itself. It was pretty fascinating to watch. I kept thinking, "Dan would have liked to see this..." Rachel eventually threw the pumpkin away when it was apparent that it had lost its original form and now resembled a shrunken head more than a pumpkin. It's gone now...

Finding no relevant segway into what I'm going to say now, I'm just going to disregard the first paragraph and continue as though this were the beginning of the post. I want to thank Dave for commenting on the post from last week with the link J-Deb's video. I, too, felt that someone should have posted on that. So thanks, Dave. As a reward for commenting, I put up 15 pictures of Dave on today's post. Count 'em, 15! This grass ride is one of the craziest things you could do on an old school board. First of all, you don't have the best control when ollieing on those things because the wheels, board, and trucks are way bigger than what you're used to. Second of all, that grass ride is not very smooth, there are holes all over the place waiting to ensnare one of your wheels, sending you hurling in the air to a rocky grave below. And that brings us to our third point. The rocks. They are large, many, and unforgiving. If you were to go in them, flying face first like you have a good chance of doing when ollieing into this grass bank, you would expect some kind of head trauma and bruised ribs. Those are the kinds of rocks we're talking about. Anyway, this grass ride is nuts, so of course Dave stepped up to the challenge and tackled it head on, Bolts of Thunder style. No, Dave style. Bolts of Thunder style is a little more beat around the bush, waste your time kind of style. Dave is head on.

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