This is the link to a video that Dave made and sent me. You should all watch it and think of what you would have done in his situation. I would have stopped trying. But that just ain't the Dave way. The Dave way is much higher than that. The Dave way is to crush your body so hard that it can't feel anything for days, that way you can keep skating now. The Dave way is to yell and curse at your obstacle until it finally gives in. The Dave way is to lose sleep for months stressing over tricks you want to land for your homie video. The Dave way is to go for it no matter who or what might be standing in your way, and in style at that. The Dave way is to take as long as you need, even if that means jumping off a roof for an hour. The Dave way says that if you must go down, you might as well make it look good... "For your skating is not Dave's skating, neither are your ways Dave's ways. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are Dave's ways higher than your ways, and Dave's skating than your skating..." -1 Dave 3:16
that's my new favorite scripture...