Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Putchyo Hands Togetha!

Seeing this is the first day I've ever used a blog, and it is a Bolts of Thunder blog we are working with here, I felt it would be appropriate to post Nick's part from Bolts of Thunder. I will post all the parts eventually. But Nick's should be first. This part was Matt and mine's (Jon) brainchild. Matt had wanted to use Nick's intro song, ELO, for quite some time. We knew would could make it like an epic movie trailer or something. So we set out to film Nick in whatever situation so that we could get different facial expressions from him. We got pretty lucky that Nick grew out a mustache because that accentuated all of his expressions. It worked out perfectly, we got a really good intro for him. Then the song for his part went perfectly with the skating-fast, raw, and all up in yo face. Nick did some pretty amazing tricks and skated terrain that no one else even wanted to skate. His roof drop was an act of bravery and should go in the record books as a heroic move by a man motivated out of loyalty to his team, friends, wife, and future kids. Yes, Nick had all of this in mind, and more, as he rolled off a rotten roof onto a makeshift landing pad fabricated out of cinder blocks taken from Dave's old house and a piece of metal found on location. Pretty amazing if you ask me. Even if you've already seen it, take another look, it deserves it...

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