Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bad "A" Scoot Shot

This picture is rad. Taken at the Payson skatepark on Nick's blackdingleberry hand-held device, we got this 12 year old scooter kid to launch over matt. Even though the launch was pretty big, I'm more impressed with Matt's demonstration of self-mastery in this picture. Look at the confidence on his face. I wasn't very confident about this jump. I kept thinking the scooter was going to take matt's head off. I mean, this is only a 12 year old kid, why should we trust him with matt's life? And Nick's phone didn't take pictures right away, you had to press the button like 3 seconds before you wanted it to take the picture. It took us like 8 tries to finally get it right. We figured out that if Nick took the picture when the kid was 2 feet down the bank before the launch, it would take the picture right when he was over Matt's head. And voila. So as I was sitting safely in the back, Matt was in the front lines of the action, and not even flinching. So take a look at that confidence and self-mastery written all over his face. It reminds me of Uma Therman's ninja trainer on Kill Bill, the guy with the long beard that teaches her how to stop people's hearts. Well here, Matt has learned how to stop your heart, metaphorically speaking. I don't know what that metaphor is, but come on, be creative, I'm sure you'll think of some connection to what I'm talking about. I'm in the background trying to get any coverage a man like me can get; minimal and in the background, at best...

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