Wednesday, January 26, 2011


So, apparently Galileo had it wrong. Shame too... Not that I want to discredit the guy, but after I saw Nick roll off a roof with a broken wrist and broken foot, Newton's laws and all that weren't jiving with what I seen. Seriously, how do you roll off a roof onto a makeshift landing pad with a jacked up foot, broken wrist, and sprained other wrist? After I saw that, we set out at the lab to figure out what was going on, and this is the new model we came up with: the Nick-Centric Universe model. It seems to be the only thing that makes sense in this troubled world anymore... And I rather liked the sun being at the center of the universe. Thanks a lot Nick for rolling off that roof... This is what happens when I can't sleep. At two in the morning, this seemed like a really funny/good idea. Now I'm kind of partial as to how clever it really is, but I'm not about to abandon a project. No, I would never do that. And why, you ask, would I not abandon a project? Because I'm just too loyal, I respond to you.

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