Monday, April 18, 2011

Post-Apocalyptic Graduation

Bolts of Thunder is proud and pleased to announce that two of its members, Matt and Nick, are graduating from college this semester!!!!!! Matt wanted to document this epic event, so we went out last week and shot some graduation pictures of him in his gear. You know those cheesy graduation pictures you see of your roommate's cousin on the fridge? Well there's no way Bolts of Thunder would reproduce that. So we asked ourselves, "What will graduation pictures look after the Apocalypse?" With  BB gun and hammer in hand, Matt and I headed out to see just exactly what post-apocalyptic graduation announcements will look like. I rather like them. Kind of that rugged look that Western society is losing these days. You know, when grown men used to fight grown men in the parking lot of 7/11 to defend their woman's honor. Western society is losing that ruggedness and turning into a bunch of shaved-chest Jersey Shore pansies. Matt's bringing rugged back. He's bringing crazy back. He's bringing creepy back. And let's not forget sexy, he's bringing that back too. I wonder if Matt's school would keep his diploma if they saw these pictures because they don't want to release this kind of raw aggression into society. Is society ready to handle Matt with his hammer and BB gun? Not likely. But we're releasing Matt on you all, hammer, BB gun, and degree in hand. We don't have any pictures of Nick in his cap and gown to prove to you that he graduated. I guess it still all depends on him passing his American Heritage class. But Nick, the world wants to see you in cap and gown. Show yourself!

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