Thursday, March 1, 2012

This spot is just the hottest thing in Utah County since PGJH's front sign blew up 4 years back. You know, PGJH down the street from AF and just up river a little from OP. Man, thinking of all the acronyms that skaters use around here is pretty annoying. Something that gets your blood boiling. Especially when you're sick and tired, like I am today. So you're going to hear it from me... So some skater a few years back, I have my suspicions as to who but I won't name names, decided that saying "PGJH", four of the most awkward letters you could possibly use as an acronym together, was much easier and quicker than saying "Pleasant Grove" which rather rolls off the tongue. If someone is confused when you just say "Pleasant Grove", you can specify the spot a little more and clear up any confusion. That would save you the embarrassment and loss of respect from others by using this acronym. So don't use it, kids...

So that spot really is fun to skate. Those banks are full of possibilities, wonders, and excitement, and adding a flat bar to the mix just makes it even funner. Actually, that reminds me of a story. A couple years ago, me and Nick went to check out this spot and skate it. But when we pulled up, a concerned diesel truck driver pulled up and asked us if we needed any help. Not wanting to turn ourselves in so easily, we told him we were simply lost and were turning around. But he pushed the issue further and asked us the address we were going to. So I told him we were looking for Lindon but didn't know if we were still in Orem. He looked confused, so I kept talking, worsening the situation and reaffirming his suspicions. I told him that some addresses in the area have 2 addresses, one for Orem, the other for Lindon, which is true. But he read through the lines and probably suspected us of trying something much worse than skateboarding on the premises, and he told us to take our dirty business else where. We drove off in defeat that day...

That reminds me of the time me and Matt told the boat salesman that we wanted to look at a boat because our uncle used to have that same model of boat and it had sentimental value to us when we really wanted to scope out a handrail that we thought was behind his property. Turned out to be the wrong property. And just for the record, it was me that made up the story, not Matt, just to clear Matt's good name. And for the other record, we're usually really good at handling these situations, we just let this one slip... So the boat dude interpreted my half-baked reason for being on the property as we wanted to steal a boat, so he trailed about 10 feet behind us and tried to hide when we laughed at the situation and turned around. We got out of there as fast as we could with the dude walking behind us like he was running us out of there. Pretty embarrassing. I guess you win some, you lose some, and you'd rather forget about others.

That's AJ and Ben skating the rail into the bank. I guess that's all I really wanted to say.

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