Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sick to your stomach

It's the end of the semester at school right now which means my brain is shriveling up into a raisin and acne is more prevalent on my face than it should be. Plus, I just found my first white hair! In my nose. That's right, one of my nose hairs was the first to get stressed and turn white. All the hairs on my head have chosen a different route and are simply abandoning ship. My back seems to be recruiting though, and quite successfully at that... Enough hair talk. Well, I really don't have much to say right now, but I did want to write something. So that picture up above is how my brain feels right now. That was me over Christmas break as I spent the entire time in a NyQuil-induced stupor and watched the cartoon of X-Men and Babe 2 Pig in the City on Netflix. It was actually pretty fun... Anyway, Rachel snapped that shot of me, and I think it accurately portrays what a sick man looks and feels like... Well, you probably didn't come to the blog today to read about body hair and being sick, so I'll put up another picture of skating, an old school kickflipper from back when Dave roamed the Wild West, just so you're not disappointed and sick to your stomach the rest of the day. If you did come here to read about body hair and what not, I'm glad I could accommodate you. Until next time...

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