Monday, October 3, 2011

Ode to Nick

Like all things terrestrial, Nick has come and gone in the Provo skate scene. However, in his own words, "don't write my obituary yet. You haven't seen the last of me." Or something like that. I'm quoting from memory here, so don't quote me exactly on what I just said. I should take the quotation marks off, but I'm not going to. They serve a point, to let you know that I'm serious about this quoting business. Anyway, Nick packed up and skipped town about a month ago, going to Rhode Island to become a mad scientist, taking apart people's brains and building newer, cooler ones. Bolts of Thunder standard issue ones.

So before Nick headed out, Dan and I had a final skate session with him. For the last time, Nick showed us all the finer points of blunts to fakie. Nick, your memory will live on as we blunt our way into the future. Know that you paved the way for Bolts of Thunder and helped make it what it is today. Whatever it is.

I usually leave poetry the aitch out of this blog, but I thought I'd give it a little stab today, seeing as Nick was an English major before he switched teams to Neuroscience. It is entitled "Ode to Nick"

Your helmet-wearing and roof-riding
tickled my stomach and gave my face a smiling
And as I recall, you scared us all
when on that rail, you took a fall
Your hat went a flying
as my eyes went a crying
but with dignity you redeemed yourself
when off that roof you threw yourself
Onto  a landing not-so tame
riding away into fame
as of yet we have to see
an ending to compare with thee...

Of old men, you backed not down,
at the camera, your mustache did frown,
when push came to shuv, you jump-kicked
and into grinds your board did flip
On poles you jammed
as last tricks you crammed
and saved you family
as well as the world
from doom incomparable
and from horrors untold

Bolts of Thunder holds you in honor
as from Provo you are a goner
good times we had
having fun
hanging with the lads
and laughing tons
We'll miss you, friend
but we'll see you again
so until then
this is not the end...

Brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it? this isn't part of the ode, this is just the blog. yeah, try that for poetry! good luck out there Nick, hope to see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow I'm honored. I think your next poem should be an epic about Dan, something like the Odyssey.
