Thursday, October 27, 2011

A celebration of life

This post is a celebration of life, and the fact that Coleman did not lose his while getting his feet tripped up on this barrier. I'm glad he didn't because I really like the kid. We were all feeling it, Coleman just expressed it with his face - the pain that comes from not knowing. Not knowing if there will be a tomorrow, another chance to eat a hot meal or swim again. Just not knowing... This barrier moves, so Coleman was able to ninja his way out of it no problem. I say you go back and do it again, Coleman.

So as a celebration of life, I want all of you to go around the room and think of something about the people around you that you're grateful for. For example, I'm at school right now and this girl just walked in the room to clean the keyboards. I'm grateful that the girl cleans the keyboards so that I don't have to touch other people boogers that they left behind on the keys and get sick. Try it, it'll make you grateful for life and the people around you. And it'll make you realize how much bacteria you're exposed to and probably touching right now on your computer. Disgusting. Just crazy stuff.

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