Monday, October 10, 2011

The last leg of the saga


To help  me with the Lord of the Rings scenario, I watched the first half of the first half of the extended version of the Fellowship of the Ring, which means it's been going for almost 2 hours and we're not even to Rivendale yet. It occurred to me that Tyler and Finn would be perfect helper hobbits for Sam and Frodo. They would carry all of their camera gear (Sam and Weston would probably leave behind all other supplies so they'd have enough room for camera equipment. They would photo document the entire trip and have a pretty epic photo album at the end of the trip that they would sell to National Geographic and make enough money to support them the rest of their lives...) So Tyler and Finn would be really obedient in carrying all that camera equipment around for them through the wilderness...

That's it, that's all I have. I had all weekend to come up with a good scenario, and that's it. I didn't even come up with it this weekend either, I came up with it as I was putting my flash drive in the computer to get pictures off. I guess I'm just lazy like that. Oh yeah, but I did think that Drew Danburry is going to be an Ent because he's so tall. He'd be a good ent. And while we're at it, I'll just say it. Matt is going to be Gimlee, the dwarf. His nice beard, natural distrust of elves, and tendency to smack his lips make him the perfect dwarf. He would spend the first part of the trip fighting with Legolas (Dan), getting frustrated with him for wandering off, starting fights with local towns people on accident, and not washing his hands after he goes to the bathroom. But then they'd learn to get along and be really good friends in the end.

I think I've exhausted this scenario. If I think of any good things to say about it, I'll say them afterwords. If you're reading this and you're not in the scenario, I'm sorry, but I didn't have enough time to put you in. But I'd say you were an elf because you're so beautiful... And as for me, I'm not in this scenario because I'm the JR Tolkein of this whole get up. But if I were in the scenario, I'd be a mindless pawn, and I'd fight valiantly for Brian. Let's just get this out there now. If I had to choose one person in real life to follow into battle, it would be Brian. He has already proved himself a great soldier, and he has the nerve for that kind of stuff. When the rest of us would be ducking and hiding, he'd know exactly what to do in a split second, and he'd react quickly. If you'd follow his lead, you'd be just fine. Yeah, I'd be one of the men fighting in Brian's army. Seeing as Brian is one of the great kings of men, I'd be one of the men, plain and simple.

1 comment:

  1. i would make a good Ent and it makes sense. Friends used to call me a Tree on Wheels while skateboarding....having a big beard didn't help. ha!
