Monday, November 7, 2011

Dave vs the giant volcano

These are some archive pictures from back when we were filming the first Bolts of Thunder video. Dave, after not having skated for a couple years, came straight out of the gates and gave every spot everything he had. We skated this flat gap pretty often because it was really smooth, close to our house, and we couldn't think of anywhere else to skate. So we got quite a few tricks over it in the video. So Dave had been doing 360 flips a lot lately, and he had them down pretty good. For me and Dave, 360 flips are an illusive trick that come and go. Out of nowhere, I'll be able to land them every try, over stuff, off of stuff, whatever I want. This phenomenon will last for a couple months, and during this time I wonder how I was never able to do them. But when this phase ends, I have to concentrate on them and give them everything I got to make them work. From what I understand, Dave goes through the same cycle. So this was when Dave was landing them good, and he wanted to get one over the gap. He tried it for a couple of hours, I don't know how many tries. Our batter was fully charged, and he tried it until the batter died, and it was too dark to see anything anyway. He could barely move when he was done, and he just laid in the ground and moaned for a good while. We ended the night by going to Village Inn and discussing how stressed we were to finish our little video that nobody would probably ever even see. Fun times...

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