Monday, April 23, 2012

Radiohead Concert

As promised, I put up a couple pictures of us at Radiohead's concert in Santa Barbara. We were on Radiohead's guestlist because my sister's got all kinds of hook ups, so we got into the concert for free! This is one of those things that you always wish would happen but never really does. But then it did. When I heard a while back that we might get free tickets to the concert, I really hoped it would happen, but didn't really think it would. It's just one of those things that doesn't seem likely to pull through. It's like your rap artist cousin that always on the brink of cutting a big record deal with Dr Dre, but it never really happens. It was kind of like that.... So here are a couple pictures of us at Radiohead, which was an amazing concert and super fun to be at with all my brothers and sister. Thanks again, Gin!!! And Radiohead, thank you too because you got us in for free and played music for us...

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