Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dan does not disappoint

So I know you're thinking that I've completely abandoned the blog in pursuit of my own vain ambitions, and that's why I refuse to write new posts. In fact, I have not written at all in an entire week. But your assumptions are wrong because writing on this blog is my vain ambitions, and I don't' have any others as of now... You wouldn't' believe it if I told you, but my sister Ginger has all kinds of hook ups, and wouldn't you know it, but my brothers, sister, and our spouses/significant people ended up on Radiohead's guest-list at their concert in Santa Barbara. No joke! We got to see Radiohead for free last weekend, so we all packed up and headed down to California. That's why I haven't been writing, I've been too busy watching Radiohead play. Thanks, Gin! The concert was awesome, and I'll put up video and photo evidence of our little trip because I know you don't believe me...

Anyway, knowing that I haven't written in a week, I did not want to disappoint you in writing a new post today. Let me just tell you this, if you're ever in a tight spot in your life, just rely on Daniel R. Shaw to get you out of it. He's some kind of Houdini/Knievil/Kilmer skater dude that always lands on his feet. I did not want to disappoint you, and Dan does not disappoint. Ever. If you don't believe me, take a minute or two to examine those abs. Those of you that are anatomically/biologically inclined, you will appreciate his well-defined trapezius muscles. Then take a couple more minutes to examine his height in airing out of that jersey barrier. That's not a launch ramp, and it's not intended to be skated as one. It's a jersey barrier with a cement tranny built into it, and it's intended mostly for riding, sliding, and grinding. But not airing. But Dan just aired off it anyway, and several feet at that. So I hope now that the wait was worth it and that you will leave the blog with a sense of fulfillment in your life. Thanks, Dan

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