Monday, May 2, 2011

No picture for this post

That's right, I didn't want to put any pictures in this post. You remember how picture books completely destroyed your imagination? Yeah, you were so much cooler and imaginative as a 5 year old before you started reading picture books. Doctor Seuss has ruined this country... Bolts of Thunder doesn't want to be responsible for ruining anyone's imagination, dreams, or life, so we're not posting a picture today... Ok, remember how there were never any promises? Remember? When we started this blog, it was just you and me, and no promises. I feel like we've developed a pretty healthy relationship over the past couple months, and that's built off of mutual trust. What I'm trying to say is that I can't promise a post every day when we're in Europe. I don't know how this is going to work. But I do want to keep you posted as much as possible on all of our epic adventures and escapades. So I am telling you that I will post as much as I can as often as I can while in Europe. But no promises as to when, how much, and all that. There, got it off my chest. Feel better? Then we're off... See you in Europe! And I want you to know, if you made it this far in the paragraph, you know that you are a true Thunderbolt. Half-A blog readers would just look to see if there was a picture, read the first line, then move on. If you are here, right now, give yourself a huge pat on the back, then treat yourself to watching the credits of Bolts of Thunder. The pugs will lighten up your day.