Monday, March 14, 2011

Dan as art

Today's post features pictures of Dan with a lot of light shining behind him. That's all I was thinking when I took these pictures: Light, and lots of it. Don't ask me why, I just wanted light to be in these pictures. Actually, the light rays represent the goodness of Dan's soul, his pureness, honesty, and ability to skate even the roughest of transition. Yeah, that's what I was thinking when I took these pictures. I would write a long story about Dan, but I have tons of school work to do. Oh yeah, that test I was talking about last post, I actually did pretty bad on it when I thought I was going to do good. I was thinking that all of you are 95% responsible for me not doing so great because I was focusing too much time on writing my blogs for you, so I was thinking that if I fail in life, you could all just like pull your money together and support me so that I can keep writing my blog, and you can keep reading it. That way we all win, and I can feel better for not doing so great on my tests. Now that I think of it though, I am seeing a direct correlation with school performance and blog writing. As the amount of blog writing increases, the quality of school performance decreases, and vice versa.... Interesting... Maybe this is what it feels like to give up on life and play World of Warcraft all day long. Well, let me tell you, it's not all that bad of a feeling. You just turn yourself off and turn into a vegetable, then it's not so bad. But when you think of all the opportunities you've missed out on life because you were busy writing a blog when you could have been studying and succeeding in school, you get kind of bummed out. Ok, I've been writing long enough, and I really am going to study right now. I even woke up at 7:40 this morning so that I could get a jump on the day, and it's been working pretty good so far. I think I'm learning to live in a world where good school performance and blogs harmoniously coexist in relationships of mutual trust and respect. I think that's what Obama meant when he said, "Change". David Bowie too. I'm feeling better about my future now. Now that I feel good again, I'm going to tell you about Dan. I would like to write a book about Dan and all the his adventures. He's like Cain on Kung-Fu, walking the streets and having adventures. For those of you who don't know him, he's the most loyal, genuine friend you can ask for, so do yourself a favor and get to know him.

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