Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The slam that keeps on slamming and public apology to AJ

So I know I've put this picture on the blog several times, but I'm putting it up again today. I just got word from MTV that Dave's slam on this rail is going to be on their show "Ridiculousness" next Monday night. I'm dead serious. Someone that works for the show saw Dave's slam on youtube a while back and contacted us to see if they could use it. After signing a bunch of paperwork and crap, they said they'd put it on the show. They just emailed me and told me that the slam is going to be on Monday night's show, this coming up Monday night, at 10:00. So if you feel like you can handle an hour of Rob Dyrdek acting gangster and making fun of people for slamming on stuff that he'd never dare try, tune in for the show and try to spot out Dave's wreck...

In other Dave news, he told me last week that he got third place in a contest over in Paris. I'm pretty sure it came down between him and Bastien Salabanzi and Lucas Puig. Dave's double flip front board down the 14 stair wasn't enough to take down Bastien's cheering for himself or Lucas' switch stance, so Dave didn't win. But good job, Dave!!! Proud of you for representing Bolts of Thunder over there. You are representing, right?

This next paragraph comes to you in the form of an apology. Or more of a confession really. And it's not really directed towards all of you, but to one person in particular. AJ. Remember last week skating at Lion's park and you said, "man, I can smell the sewer or something..." and I just stood there sheepishly and said, "yeah, me too..." That smell that was so potent, so strong, so rotten that you automatically assumed it came from no one individual but rather a collection of individuals' waste that had been sitting in pipes under ground. AJ... That was no sewer you smelt. It was me. Now I don't blame you for thinking it smelt like a sewer. I did too. It wasn't natural how it smelt. I could feel it brewing in my stomach, and I tried going downwind from you so you wouldn't become a victim of my half-digested lunch's wrath. But I misjudged the wind and got upwind from you, blowing my filth into your face. I'm sorry for doing it, and I haven't been able to sleep well at night as a result. I'm coming out publicly and telling you that I will not do it again. Not intentionally, at least.

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