Monday, February 13, 2012

Cafe Diario

This is Alex Washington. He's a local kid/shredder/skater/ripper etc, and he tried this double set last weekend. It's been in the neighborhood for ever, but to my knowledge, nobody's ever ollied it. It has this soft, crappy runway that sucks the life out of you and your skateboard when you ride at it, rendering you powerless against the massive steps. But Alex pushed through, giving it his all, and busted up his feet. He asked me to tell him when I put these pictures up on the blog, and being the Eagle Scout I am, I sent him a text right when I was done writing this telling him that it's up. But now that I think about it, why isn't Alex a regular follower of this blog? Why must I inform him of when his pictures are posted? If he just follows it like everyone else, I will not have to tell him when I put up his pictures. So Alex, this post is an official call out for you to be an official follower of the Bolts of Thunders blog and to check it regularly so that when I take pictures of you in the future, you will see them get posted without me having to tell you. You have 24 hours to respond... Actually you have all the time you want, but I thought I'd say that. And while I'm thinking about it, don't forget to check out yesterday's post. I normally don't post on Sunday, but I did yesterday, and it's got some good stuff, so check it out.

They call it Cafe Diario for a reason. Or at least I do. That reason being, as the name would imply, the food you eat there fills your stomach with bacteria-caked goodness that leaves you with ample of time to study the shower curtain and tile floor in your bathroom. I got plenty of thinking time this weekend in various bathrooms up and down the Wasatch front, and I came to one conclusion: Don't eat Cafe Rio. I normally don't to begin with, but I had a gift card to eat there. Three of them, actually. And by combining all of them, we got two full salads for $4. Now that I think of it, if I could go there right now and get that much food for $4 bucks, I might do it again, just to spite the restaurant. I wouldn't eat it of course, my time is too valued to be spent on the toilet all weekend. Anyway, spread the word, Cafe Rio is dangerous, it'll mess you up!


  1. I've come to believe that there is something terribly wrong with your digestive system Jon. Every other post is some kind of collaboration between you and the toilet. Did you like potty humor as a child? Do you still like it now?
