Monday, February 7, 2011

Bolts of Thunder Gone Soft

This post represents the softer side of Bolts of Thunder. Soft in the emotional, artsy sense. Not physically. We're still in peak physical condition, keeping most of our carbohydrates complex and changing up the colors of our vegetables so we give our bodies the nutrients needed to perform our work. And we're doing a good job at it. No, we're not soft and flabby physically, but emotionally. Emotionally, our hearts are hammering, and this video is our outlet. The filming, editing, cinematography, and costumes are all at the cutting edge of skateboarding, and we believe this video will lead skateboarding into the 21st century. Because here at Bolts of Thunder, it's still '96, and we much rather prefer it that way.

1 comment:

  1. I like how this video keeps me in suspense. I wonder what he is going to do, and then he does a trick that is completely different than what I expect.
