Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Gli Amici Italiani

Ecco, i miei amici qui a Siena. Facciamo lo skate insieme... So these are my homies that I skate with in Siena. It was weird when I met them because they are the ones that came up to me and asked me if I skated. I was carrying my board, so it was a pretty sure give away. But still, I'm proud of them for taking some initiative. I've been in their situation many a time, and most of the time I've been rejected. But every now and then, one of the people that I street contact sticks around, and we become good friends. That's what happened with Ben and AJ, for example. It's rare, but it happens. Most of the people that I meet that skate never return my phone calls and refuse my relentless solicitations to be my friend, so I can appreciate when someone street contacts me and wants to skate. Anyway, I head out with them usually once or so a week depending on everyone's schedules, and it's always a good time. The last time we skated, they took us to this awesome spot with marble ledges and stairs and ledges going off of stairs. It was way fun, and I'm going to go back again with my video camera next time and get some footage. Should be fun...

So that's Denis up top busting a 360 flip down the stairs, followed up with a kickflip crooked grind and a kickflip noseslide on the ledge. That's Angelo with a massive fakie ollie and a big smile. And I forgot the other dude's name with the ollie down the stairs, I've only met him once. Sorry...