So turns out that there's a secret section on the new Bolts of Thunder 3 dvd, but nobody was ever going to find it. I decided to be nice and just give up the secret, so I put it up on youtube. So here you go, the secret section of Bolts of Thunder:
So a little about the riders in this section. First off is Derek Winn. He's Chad James' shadow/blood brother, and they are not to be seen without each other. I can't even tell them apart. I thought Chad was Derek for a while, but turns out he's not. Now I'm just all confused and stuff. We filmed this trick like 2 or 3 days before we finished editing, so we didn't have time to put it in the rest of the part. Tyler Winn is actually not related to Derek, although they share the same last name. Tyler is Wizard's older brother and lives with other Tyler, who is not related to Wizard but is always with him the same way that Chad and Derek are always together. Now I'm confused again at who is who. Tyler and Wizard are brothers, but not the Tyler you're thinking of, the other one. The Tyler you're thinking of is not his brother, just his good friend. Are we clear now?...
Matt Pace is one of my oldest friends. I watched footage a couple months ago that we have of him before he could even land a kickflip on flat ground. We were both in middle school when we started skating together, so that was about 14ish years ago. Crazy... Matt is one of the funniest/funnest people to hang out, and he's a complete ripper on his board. It's funny because I started skating before him and could do a lot of the basics when he was just getting on his board. But he caught up and passed me up in no time, so he pushed me a lot to learn new tricks. Now that we're older, it hasn't changed at all, and Matt's still a complete ripper. That melon he did over the gap was first or second try, and it was a good 6 feet in the air. No big deal, just a casual mega launch. Then nollie backside flip to back tail in the half pipe was amazing and, once again, totally casual for him to do. It was on his mini ramp at his house, and he just busted it out first thing in the morning. It didn't even take him too long to do, and it was surprisingly solid and effortless looking for him to do. Those were all the tricks we got of him in one day of skating. Too bad we don't get to see him all that often or you could imagine the crazy stuff he'd be getting all the time. Anyway, Matt's a ripper, and it's always a pleasure watching him skate. Hope you enjoyed the secret clip!
That melon grab just blew my mind!