Wednesday, December 21, 2011

League of Extraordinary Pimps

Seeing as this is Christmas break, I may or may not write every day on the blog. I make no promises either way. If I don't write on a day, and you're feeling an itch to read something new, look up one of our old posts that you either haven't read yet, or you haven't read in a while. Like Matt's ice cream man story, that's always been a favorite of mine. Anyway, you have plenty of material to choose from over the year, so don't worry.

Today I put up some random pictures that have no connection with each other. Actually, now that I think of it, Dave is in all of them. Yes, Dave is that glue I was so frantically searching for earlier when thinking of what to write. Thanks, Dave. Thank you for being my glue in an otherwise non-cohesive world. You are my glue... So Dave continues his mystery run of phantom tricks on the old school board. Here he shows you that your board is never too old, and never is your body for that matter, to show the new generation what's up on their own flat bar. Stick it to them, Dave! That top picture is what happens when you listen to Bolts of Thunder long enough. You become amazing. Remember that, kids, you'll become amazing...

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