Thursday, December 13, 2012

Oldie but Greatie

Before viewer ratings drop significantly, I thought I'd put something up. This is an oldie but a greatie. A classic Matt, Nick, Jon, and scooter combo is something to be treasured. Nobody would know it, but Matt put his life at great risk to get this picture. That little scooter kid is just a random kid that we met at the park that day, and he is directly over Matt's head. I don't know why we even thought of letting the kid jump over Matt that way, but Matt held the  pose perfectly every try, then let out in horror after the kid landed.

So this picture was pretty hard to get. These were the days before smart phones were really smart at all, and Nick had a camera on his phone. But it was the unpredictable kind that had like a 3 or 4 second delay on it. So we kept trying to take the picture, but the kid was long gone by the time the camera even took anything. We had to measure the kid's speed, the camera's delay, add some wind variation and what not in there, and we discovered that if Nick pushed the camera button when the kid had ridden about a foot down the bank on the other side of this launch, the camera would take the picture at just the right moment. It finally worked, and this wonderful piece of art and memory is the direct result of hard work, planning, and perseverance. Three principles that are fairly new to Bolts of Thunder but might prove useful at times... I would like to end this post by drawing attention to Matt's controlled facial expression while unproven aggression floats hazardously overhead. The sign of a true master.

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