Sunday, May 8, 2011


Darn you kids and your constant nagging and wanting to have photos! I'm not putting up a picture today. Sorry. And I won't give in to your guilt trips either. So a quick update here in Paris, Matt and I have been ostracized by Garrett and Shereen from sleeping in the main living quarters. Apparently we "snore" at night and "keep them up all night". Bull Honky, Man!! So a man can't snore any more? Only in France... Garrett had to buy ear plugs today from a pharmacy, and we're trying to show him how to use them. I mean honestly, who doesn't know how to use ear plugs? You just ram them in your ears. But it's taken us 10 minutes to test out his ear plugs, and I still don't think he's wearing them properly. Despite his constant reassurances, we all know he can still hear every word we say about him. He has to pretend that he doesn't hear us then hold back the tears... Ok, so it's 2 in the morning, and we've been walking since 4 this afternoon. It took us 8 hours to see 2 monuments. But we're having great fun. And Garrett is not an idiot, he's extraordinarily competent, he just wants to protect his ears, that's all. So we saw 2 dudes get arrested by French police for jumping off a bridge next to Notre Dame into a super dirty river. They did it twice. Once is stupid enough, you'll get an STD or something from that. But they could have gotten away clean if they left then. But they flew too close to the sun on wings of bridge jumping, and the sun scorched their wings to flame. They got burnt. The cops picked them up after their second jump. Now they're starring in the Paris prison's presentation of "Deliverance", starting next week. Good job kids, don't fly so close to the sun next time...

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