Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bolts of Thunder of America

This post is big news for all of us. Bolts of Thunder has successfully infiltrated the Boy Scouts of America. Not just the fact that several of us have Eagle Scouts, that's not what we mean. What we mean is that Bolts of Thunder is the new face of Boy Scouts of America. So we were recruited to help with this promotional movie for the Scouts, and we did it yesterday. So Nick was there to supervise and make sure everything met BOT standards. They did. Dan busted a few twisted maneuvers on the corner coping grind spot, and I assisted in action sequence riding shots. Then things turned for the worse and Dan fell on his head. Not wanting blood on their hands, Matt and two of the movie making kids discussed possible ways to dispose of the body. I documented it all with video and photo so I can blackmail the scouts if they ever come after me. So stay off my back! Turns out that Dan's a better actor when his shirt is off, but the scout silver screen couldn't handle all his muscles. They made him put the shirt back on. Speaking of shirts, I wore my Bolts of Thunder shirt in the movie. That shirt had 7 of our faces on it, so most of the Bolts of Thunder team made it into the movie! Ok, I'm getting distracted by Conquest of the Planet of the Apes on TV, I'd better focus my attention on that for now...

1 comment:

  1. Boy scouts of america...I didn't really see bolts of thunder going in that direction, but I am proud. And I saw the shirt.
    It is rad.
