Friday, March 2, 2012

Good pug bad pug

My wife took these pictures on her cell phone. I'm proud of her because she knows not to cut off the skater's head when you take pictures. A skater's head is very important, and that's why you don't do drugs, kids! Man, I've been sick all week and haven't been able to step on my board. And it's been snowing out, which the snow gets in the way, too. But looking at these pictures makes me want to run and jump really far. And hope for a soft landing. Or at least a smooth one. But I'm too tired for that right now... Maybe tomorrow.

So yesterday's post prompted one reaction: Anger. That's right, people, let the anger fill up within you. Then come at me full speed and swinging, because I'm ready! It's the first post in a week or so that there is no confused reaction, only angry. The dude that's usually confused reading the blog has had enough and is now really angry. I guess he couldn't get what's going on for too long and channeled all of his confusion into anger. That reminds me of my pug dogs every time someone rang the doorbell. They were confused as to what the sound was, looked at each other, then channeled all of their confusion into pure, unadulterated rage and went straight for the jugular. Good thing for the pug dogs though is that they had inches of loose skin about their necks, protecting the jugular from attacking enemies. Anyway, to you, our confused and now angry pug dog reader, stop using those acronyms of yours and you won't be so confused or angry any more...

Now that I'm thinking about pug dogs, I remember when Doty, the older of the two pugs, would steal candy from wherever she could. She loved Dumdums, those little suckers. She would suck on them just like a human, with the stick coming out of her mouth. She looked like a natural. But when she found out it was forbidden for pugs to eat candy, she would take the Dumdums and hide far back under one of our beds and enjoy her spoils. When we caught her, she would bark fiercely at us, warning us of the consequences of getting between a pug dog and its prey. She was too nice to ever follow through on those threats... Except that one time, she actually did bite my sister and sunk her teeth into Ginger's hand. She had to go to the hospital to get some kind of shot, and the doggy police had to come monitor my pug dogs every couple of months. Those were the dark times when Dotty was on probation. No dumdum suckers for her. Tinkerbell, the younger sister, was quite happy to for once play the role as the good pug. She was notorious for being the bad pug...

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